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Home » ABOUT WHEELS » Types of Wheel Rotation and You May Need to Follow One

Types of Wheel Rotation and You May Need to Follow One

Types of Wheel Rotation

Types of wheel rotation are just like other periodic maintenance of wheels. It is very important to do wheel rotation at a certain time period. Even, your car warranty may get void because of not conducting wheel rotation on time. Wheel rotation benefits you and your car in several ways, just like wheel balancing and wheel alignment.

Tires wear unevenly. To prevent this issue, wheel rotation should be done periodically. When to rotate your wheels? Just check your car’s owner’s manual!

Why Wheel Rotation Is Important

Wheel rotation mainly means that you need to change the positions of your wheels. By doing so, you can also inspect if there is any damage on your wheels. You can do it yourself. At the same time, you can take help of a professional mechanic.

Since, tires wear unevenly, it is important to change the position of the wheels. As a result, your tires will last longer and it will be also good for your car’s performance.

If you do wheel rotation periodically, you may find that your car is giving good fuel average as well as good stability and road grip.

To achieve these benefits, doing wheel rotation is important.

Types of Wheel Rotation

Types of Wheel Rotations

According to The Tire and Rim Association, Inc.,  three types of wheel rotations are recommended. These three types of wheel rotations are:

  1. Rearward Cross
  2. Forward Cross
  3. X-Pattern.

The Tire and Rim Association, Inc. is the standardizing body of the tire industry. 

Rearward Cross

It is recommended for rear-wheel-drive cars to have Reward Cross rotation. The processes are given below:

  1. The rear wheels should be moved to the front axle in the same direction.
  2. The front wheels are needed to be moved to the rear axle. But the two wheels should be moved crossed, not on the same side.

Forward Cross

Forward Cross is the most common method for front-wheel-drive cars. The procedure is given:

  1. The front wheels should be installed on the same side of the rear axle.
  2. The left side rear wheel should be installed on the right side of the front axle.
  3. The right side rear wheel should be installed on the left side of the front axle.

So, rear wheels need to be changed through a cross method and installed on the front axle.


X-Pattern is recommended for four-wheel or all-wheel drive cars. How to do it? Let’s check it out!

  1. Two rear wheels should be crossed and installed on the front axle. As a result, your left rear wheel will be your right front wheel. At the same time, your right rear wheel will be your new left front wheel.
  2. The front wheels need to be installed to the rear axle through crossing each other. So, the right front wheel will be the left rear wheel and the left front wheel will be the right rear wheel.

Conclusion and Recommendation    

Do the wheel rotation on time and follow the recommendations given by your car manufacturer. Normally, you can rotate your wheels every 8000 to 10000 kilometers.

You can also have a look here: Tire Rotation – Learn How to Rotate Tires